statistical computation

英 [stəˈtɪstɪkl ˌkɒmpjuˈteɪʃn] 美 [stəˈtɪstɪkl ˌkɑːmpjuˈteɪʃn]

网络  统计计算



  1. It is emphasized on the importance of comprehensive balance and rationality analysis of statistical parameters and design values in hydrologic frequency computation.
  2. Statistical Interconnect Timing Models Using Symbolic Moments MathML-based Application of Symbolic Computation Online
  3. A Trace Statistical method is presented to perform the model computation. A numerical example of atomization of a three dimernsional axisymmetric atomizer has been completed.
  4. The use of modern computers has expedited large-scale statistical computation, and has also made possible new methods that are impractical to perform manually.
  5. Especially, it is very convenient for hydrological frequency analysis and various types of statistical computation with the table of frequency factor presented.
  6. Statistical computation of the Shannon entropy and application in distribution test
  7. Sampling and Analytical Quality Control Scheme ( SAX) in Soil Sample Analysis and an Applied Programme for Statistical Computation
  8. By statistical prior model of image wavelet coefficient and iteration methods of channel capacity in the information theory, this paper derives a kind of computation method of multiply watermarking channel capacity in the wavelet domain.
  9. Stores the database with the electric quantity information after the statistical computation, finally computer may produce a report and print it out.
  10. Functional approximations and statistical approximations have been widely applied in geodetic computation.
  11. In this paper, the statistical characteristics of GEV distribution is discussed in detail, with the table of frequency factor for this distribution is developed first and the examples in hydrological frequency computation are given as well.
  12. By looking at the sexism in language and relating it to the relevant linguistic theories, this thesis attempts to make a study of sexism in language through comparison and statistical computation.
  13. On the basis of enormous statistical analysis, the author contributes an empirical formula for the purpose of facilitating the computation of the specific gravity of sodium aluminate solution.
  14. Methods on filtering noise of spectral domain are analysed and evaluated according to statistical tests, spectral comparability computation and class distance computation;
  15. VB Programming Method of Atmospheric Environment Impacting Prediction Assessment Model and an Applied Program for Statistical Computation
  16. Statistical Computation of Compression Ratio for Zero-Order Predictor with Floating-Aperture Algorithm
  17. The statistical pattern recognition approach for on-line transient stability assessment of power system had met with many problems such as large off-line computation and recognition accuration, etc.
  18. According to statistical theory, the numerical computation expressions of various parameters of crosslinking structure are derived, while the original molecules are distributed in Flory manner.
  19. A NONLINEAR FITTING METHOD AND STATISTICAL EVALUATION FOR DETERMINING PHARMACOKINETIC PARA-METERS WITH MICROCOMPUTER Computation and Statistical Evaluation of Operating Over-Voltages in Black-Start Process of Power Systems
  20. The prediction is made using the following 2 methods: the deterministic statistical analysis of the historical seismic data and the computation by means of the inhomogeneous Markov model.
  21. The weighing data, the compiles statistical data, the report form data only depend on manual record 、 computation.
  22. The paper highlights the application and realization of statistical analysis techniques, and it provides not only a statistical methodology for the medical genetics, but also a new platform for genetic data computation.
  23. Path probability computation method for onboard system reliability based on statistical usage testing is purposed, which is identical to the results of computation method purposed by James A.Whittaker.
  24. Although statistical knowledge can get a better result, the value for statistic computation is high, and it will not cover the special situation ( small probability).
  25. The statistical results are starting point of carrying the theoretical calculation, including the eigen vibrational analysis, the intensity computation and the envelope integration, of Raman spectra for melt.